Welcome Alumnae!
St. Mary’s Academy Alumnae are members of a unique and special community. Your four years at SMA may have been brief, but your relationship to the school is life-long. Our alumnae are critical to the life of the school today, and your participation and support of the school allows us to continue a tradition of educational excellence.
Engagement with St. Mary’s Academy comes in many forms, and we are happy to help connect you to the school in ways you find meaningful. We host a variety of events, all of which are intended to allow alumnae to stay in touch, network, and fellowship. Additionally, the Mission Advancement Office maintains social media profiles and sends monthly e-newsletters.

Alumnae News and Events
Summer 2024- June 8: Graduation and Golden Grad Luncheon
- June 14: Alumnae Newsletter
- July 11: Alumnae Newsletter
- August 8: Alumnae Newsletter
Alumnae Dues
As an alumna of St. Mary’s Academy, you are able to participate in various school and alumnae activities. These include the annual Alumnae Homecoming Reception celebrating all classes and the Golden Grad Luncheon celebrating alumnae in their 50th reunion; news and updates presented in our e-newsletter and Echo Magazine; opportunities for engagement with current Belles on campus; and more!Alumnae dues are $50.00 annually and help us offset the cost of each school year’s alumnae activities. Additionally, alumnae dues assure that you receive all issues of the Echo Magazine sent directly to your home. Read More.
If you have questions or concerns about alumnae dues, please contact the Office of Advancement at smaadvancement@lyhymh.net.
Class Reunions
St. Mary's Academy understands the value of its alumnae connecting with St. Mary’s, as well as with your former classmates, community members, and teachers. As such, we are happy to provide you with a variety of ways to conduct reunions.
School-Hosted Reunions
We’re happy to host two reunions for our alumnae on the campus of St. Mary’s Academy. The first is an all-class Homecoming Reception in the Fall. All alumnae will be encouraged to attend an informal cocktail reception before the Homecoming volleyball game.
The second is the annual Golden Grad Luncheon (for those celebrating 50 years) in June. Next year, that reunion will be for the Class of 1975.
If you would like to help plan either of these events, please email us at advancement@lyhymh.net.
Class-Hosted Reunions
We’re also happy to have St. Mary’s Academy be the site for class-hosted reunions. We have a beautiful dining hall, spiritual chapel, and Student Ambassadors able to lead official campus and classroom tours.
Whether hosting the reunion on or off campus, we can assist by providing access to the class and marketing of the event.
Please email us at advancement@lyhymh.net to get started!

Volunteer Opportunities
If you have a skill that you want to share with our students, please let us know.
- Event Committee
- Class Reunion Chair
- Event Assistant
- Fundraiser
- Career Day Speaker
- Event Sponsor
- Clerical Assistant
- Editor
Contact theMission Advancement Office.

Donate Online
Donate by Donor-Advised Funds
Inquire with Advancement
Donate by Check
Payable to St. Mary's Academy
701 Grace Avenue
Inglewood, CA 90301
Attn: Advancement
Donate by Memorial/Honorary Gifts
Donate by Employer Matching Gift
Inquire with Advancement
Donate by Estate/Planned Gift
Donate by Stock
Contact SMA Broker: Charles Schwab
DTC 0164 Code 40
Account: 7900-7834
Donate by Special/Designated Gift
Inquire with Advancement
Transcript Request
Alumnae may request a transcript by completing the Transcript Request Form. The fee is $10.00 for each transcript.
Transcripts are mailed through the United States Postal Service, first class rate. St. Mary’s Academy does not mail transcripts with return receipt, confirmation verification or express mail, therefore St. Mary’s Academy cannot guarantee receipt of transcripts.
Transcripts may also be picked up in person during our normal business hours. Payment must be received before transcript will be mailed or ready for pick up. Check or money order can be mailed to: St. Mary’s Academy 701 Grace Ave., Inglewood, CA 90301
Call the school office for credit card payments: (310) 674-8470.
Allow 3 to 5 school days for request to be processed.